Friday, April 3, 2020

Chemistry Tutors at Binghamton University

Chemistry Tutors at Binghamton UniversityA chemist at Binghamton University is an extremely valuable resource for students that have questions about the school of science. These are many things that a chemistry tutor can offer to their students, so if you are a student that has a question about the school, or about this institution in general, you might want to consider hiring one of these tutors.When I was at Binghamton University, I often felt that I was being taken for granted. For one thing, we did not have any college advisers at this school. It seemed like every time I needed a tutor, I had to beg my professor for one.There are some benefits of getting a chemistry tutor at this school, especially if you feel like your professors do not pay enough attention to the things that you are struggling with. Chemistry is very difficult for people that do not have an interest in the subject matter, but it is one of the most important sciences in our world today.Chemistry students need to be taught, as well as teaching how to research topics, and how to interpret results. There are some classes that will teach you all of these skills, but for the most part, the basics are taught in general chemistry classes.It seems like every year, at Binghamton University, a new class has come out on the internet. The subject that is taught in these classes is normally the same one that is taught in the introductory class. This may be one of the reasons why the syllabus and material seem so common, but if there are too many things that are wrong with them, then that means that Binghamton University is doing something wrong.If you have any questions about a subject that you are interested in, then a chemistry tutor is a great resource. They can help you get the best information possible, so that you can get to where you want to be academically. They can also help you get a better understanding of the things that you want to know and to see how the subjects that you love work.Whethe r you need help with your classwork, or with studying in general, you should consider getting a chemistry tutor at Binghamton University. If you love the subject matter, you will be able to learn and grow in this field. If you find that you do not have enough time in your schedule, then they can help you meet the demands of your schedule.

Monday, March 23, 2020

6 Easy Improvements to Make to Your Study Space This Fall

6 Easy Improvements to Make to Your Study Space This Fall School is back in session! As such, you might be wondering how you can enhance your study space to help you perform at your highest potential. There are several quick changes you can make to improve your study space right at home heres what you can do: 1. Cut out distractions What tends to distract you when you are trying to buckle down and study? Is it a nearby poster with bright colors that catches your eye, a beanbag chair that is a bit too relaxing, or a mechanical pencil you constantly are playing with? Any distracting objects or features of your study space should be eliminated. In theory, getting rid of these distractions should be relatively easy. Excessive light can be reduced with curtains and furniture can be rearranged. With some creativity, mostly everything about your study space is adjustable. [RELATED: Top 5 College Study Tips] 2. Clear the clutter Your study space should only contain the things you need to study nothing more, nothing less. When you keep more than you need in your study space, it can lead to stress and distractions. Clean up garbage, put away extra books, and relocate picture frames, trinkets, etc., or any other objects that are not conducive to studying. Go for a minimalistic approach. 3. Adjust the lighting Lighting can have a huge psychological impact on your study efforts. Your study space should be properly lit: not so bright that it hurts your eyes, but not so dim that you have to squint. Natural light is often better than artificial light, so take advantage if your study space has a window or skylight. If possible, open the blinds rather than flipping a light switch (you can save electricity this way, too). 4. Reduce noise Some students enjoy studying with their headphones in or the radio on. However, some studies show that people tend to remember less of what they study when they study with too much background noise. However, there are other instances when music can be helpful to ones concentration, perhaps when it is soft and familiar. New sounds can negatively affect concentration, however, as they will likely be distracting. All in all, this aspect of a study space depends on your personal preferences. 5. Personalize To customize your study space, you must get to know yourself. Think about all of the different parts of your study space: lighting, seating arrangement, organization, temperature, acoustics, etc. Now, think about how you can tailor those elements to make them create the perfect study environment for you and only you. Only you know under what conditions you learn best. 6. Ditch your phone One surefire way to increase your study productivity is by putting your phone down for awhile. As hard as it may be, not having email, texting, and social media at your fingertips will greatly help you focus on the schoolwork at hand. At first, it may be a tough adjustment, but you are very likely to be pleased with how much you accomplish. If you are ever using your study space for group work, encourage your team members to put their phones aside as well; they just may thank you later! Improving your study space does not have to be difficult or expensive. Follow these tips and you will have already taken the first step to higher test grades. Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us at

Friday, March 6, 2020

What To Bring On SAT Test Day

What To Bring On SAT Test Day As the day of your SAT test draws near, you may start to wonder what you should take with you. The minimum requirements are your SAT admission ticket, photo identification, and No. 2 pencils. If you are a high school junior or senior planning to take the SAT, you probably have lots of questions: Whats on the test? Should I take practice tests? How else can I study? What is an average score? Where can I find aprep book? These questions, plus the looming changes to the SAT, can distract you from planning for the actual test day. In particular, you should consider what you can bring into the testing room. Many students show up to the test with prohibited items, which can result in them being kicked out of the test, while others forget suggested items (like that graphing calculator for math questions). Here are some tips on what to bring and what to leave at home. Items to bring to the SAT testing center Here is a general list of items to take with you on SAT test day Admission ticket Photo ID No. 2 pencils Eraser Approved calculator Watch Water and snacks Admission ticket and photo ID Your admission ticket with a valid photo ID are required to take the test. Dont forget these items at home or you may need to reschedule your exam. You will also likely forfeit your registration fees. An acceptable photo ID includes a drivers license, passport, school identification card, etc. However, a social security card, birth certificate, or expired passport will not be accepted. Be sure to print out your admission ticket the day before through The College Boards website, and keep all necessary materials in a place where you will remember them. No. 2 pencils and eraser The SAT answer sheet requires the use of a No. 2 pencil. Be sure to bring two pencils to ensure you are prepared. It is also helpful to have quality erasers that can erase answer choices well. Approved calculator and extra batteries While you should be able to answer every question in the math section without a calculator, The College Board recommends you bring a scientific or graphing calculator. However, you must be careful when selecting your calculator. You cannot use a calculator on a laptop or cell phone, a calculator with a QWERTY keyboard, or one that requires tape or an electrical outlet. You may, however, use a four-function calculator, but it is not recommended. No matter which approved calculator you choose, dont forget to bring an extra set of new batteries in case your calculator inconveniently dies. A watch A watch is a great item to have if you wish to keep track of your test progress (your cell phone is not an acceptable timer). Not all testing rooms will have a clock, so its a good idea to come prepared. If your watch has an alarm function, ensure it is disabled before the test. Audible alarms will not be allowed or appreciated. Water and snacks Being hungry or thirsty can be a huge distraction from your test. During the nearly four-hour test, you will have three five-minute breaks for stretching your legs, eating a snack, or using the restroom. Bring water to drink during your test, but also bring a nutritious snack, such as fruit, cheese, or pretzels to munch on during test breaks. Items to leave at home on SAT test day Technology Other than your SAT-approved calculator, leave all other tech items at home. You will not need your cell phone, tablet, camera, or laptop during the test. Worst case scenario: they can get you into trouble. It is best not to bring them at all. If you have to have your cell phone to call your ride after the test or for any other reason, be sure to turn it off and leave it off during the test and breaks, and leave it in an approved spot. Aides or cheat sheets Youre allowed to write notes within the SAT booklet, but you cannot bring cheat sheets or study guides into the testing room. If you have written anything on your hands or other visible body parts, even if it is unrelated to the SAT, make sure it is completely washed off so you are not suspected of cheating. You are also prohibited from bringing any book aides, such as a dictionary, thesaurus, or writing guide. Although your main focus should be studying for the SAT, keep test day technicalities in mind while planning. Following these guidelines for which materials you can bring to the testing center will make the morning less stressful, allowing you to focus on what you need tothe test. Here is a handy table to help you keep track of what's allowed and not allowed on SAT test day What to bring on SAT test day What not to bring on SAT test day Admission ticket Aides/crib sheets Photo ID Non-approved calculators No. 2 pencils Smartphones, laptops, cameras Eraser Dictionaries or books of any kind Approved calculator Protractors, compasses, rulers, or other math tools Watch MP3 players Water/Snacks Any device that records audio or video Any topics you want to know more about? Let us know! The Varsity Tutors Blog editors love hearing your feedback and opinions. Feel free to email us

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Create a Professional Development Plan to Advance Your Career - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Create a Professional Development Plan to Advance Your Career - Introvert Whisperer How to Create a Professional Development Plan to Advance Your Career?   “No professional growth justifies sacrificing who you are”Yulia Peralta.   During the entire life cycle of an employee, probably the one thing that gives them the maximum motivation to continue excelling at work is if they get recognized and if their managers and seniors give them a chance to grow. After all the reason why anyone puts in all the effort is so that they can have a chance at stepping up on the ladder of success to reach to a higher post that gives them more responsibilities. Running an organization and making sure everyone remains happy and content is a task in itself. For each post that you have open, you have so many contenders who come and give interviews, and it is probably the same test for you to decide which candidate to go ahead with. Part of choosing which employee you can send to the next level also depends on how well you know your team and how closely you are monitoring their performance. Today with the help of various aids such as Professional Development Plans (PDPs), it has become a little easier for people to carry out the entire process of identifying who to promote to the next level. However, having said that there is still a lot of work that we ourselves will have to do to ensure that any PDP is made perfectly. In case you are wondering just how to carve the quintessential PDP plan, we bring you a road map that can take you through all the major road bumps to ensure that you get to the destination in an easy and effective manner.

Starting Acting Classes

Starting Acting Classes Acting Classes For Beginners ChaptersWhat To Expect From Acting Classes?How To Choose An Acting Coach?How To Find Acting Coaches?How Much Do Acting Classes Cost?If you have set your sights on a career as an actor, then acting school is usually a prerequisite of the job (yes, it is a job!).While the life of a performer  may seem desirable from the outside, with Instagram posts showing them at a celebrity-packed gathering or a star-studded bash most nights of the week, the truth is that they will most likely have worked hard and been committed to their training in film acting or musical theater. Also, though you might find it hard to believe, not all actors want to party hard. A lot of the celebs are paid to attend specific events and would probably rather just go home and rest after a long day of rehearsals or filming!How To Get Into Acting?If you know someone in the business, or you are spotted by a talent agency through kids classes or a modeling classes, then the chances are that your experience of breaking in to the world of acting and directing may be slightly different. That said, even if you are chosen for a role and have no experience, you will certainly want to learn more about your profession and try to better your skills to open up more opportunities in the future.There are many different actor training paths. Some might pursue a career in television, some might prefer the idea of  presenting or working on TV shows, whilst others might be drawn to a theatre company.Get information about improv classes here.Life on stage comes in various different forms, with voice-over acting and presenting making up just some of these. Photo credit: William Hook on Visualhunt.comRegardless of where you see yourself in the years to come, your training will be key to enabling you to reach the heights you want in this challenging field. Furthermore, don’t forget that, if you reach a level of national or even international fame, your achievements and experiences (including supportive roles or appea rances) will usually be made public for the world to see, along with details about your personal life that you would probably prefer to keep private. That’s one very good reason to work hard on your acting qualifications and skills!Look for drama classes London or Liverpool to find acting classes suited to your needs!Types Of Acting ClassesJust like there are different types of acting roles for performers, there are also different types of acting workshops and classes to participate in.Drama school is unlike acting classes, yet both have their own advantages and disadvantages.Drama school is a fantastic option for launching a career in TV and media, as it offers three-year training, full-time, giving participants  a good grounding and teaching young actors about the industry they are about to enter. Acting lessons, meanwhile, are a good choice for those who can’t commit to full-time education, because they can’t afford it, are working or have a family to take care of.Am I Too Old For Acting Classes?There really is no age limit  for the entertainment industry. Actors of all backgrounds and ages are required for the diverse roles that are cast everyday, so you won’t find your age to be a problem, even if you are a beginner in the discipline (unless, that is, you are forty-something and want a part as a youthful teenager!). Remember also that you don't have to complete dancing or singing lessons, some people have very successful careers doing voiceover work, improv comedy, screenwriting and storytelling!Acting training is open to all, regardless of age and profession. If you are an older person looking to launch a career quickly in the acting world, then acting classes may be better suited to you as they are the cheapest and fastest way to see if the profession is for you. There are no auditions, so no pressure â€" you can simply enrol on a course and get stuck in.Since you often pay for acting classes for a term at a time, you also won’t have any finan cial ties like you would have if you applied for a student loan to cover the cost of a full-time acting course.If you are really serious about making it, and are already set on attending classes, then you might also like to consider hiring an acting tutor to help you with working on your skills one on one. A coach is usually a seasoned actor who will usually rehearse with you, encourage you to succeed and suggest ways that you can improve and take your passion further.Where Should I Live For The Best Acting Opportunities?You can usually find acting classes in most big cities, but London and New York City are of course hubs for drama schools and clubs, with many trainees setting up in the cities in the hope of being spotted for an exciting acting job or a career on broadway. The UK capital is where many opportunities for auditioning for British  stage roles are, but it is also a very popular place in the country for filming, with many agents, artistic directors and film crews from al l over the world passing through.Those seeking a career in the West End may be drawn to living in London to make opportunities more accessible. Photo credit: vgallova on Visual HuntIf you are tied to your hometown for work or family reasons, or you can’t afford the fees for NYC or London-based academies, then there is absolutely no harm in attending acting lessons in your area and working hard on developing your skills or accent before moving to a more animated location.the voice is equally as important for actors. Actors wishing to perform on stage shows might be better suited to this class, as they will be taught breathing techniques, how to sing and ways to control your vocal abilities. That said, most West End performers come from drama schools, where singing is taught during the three-year course.MovementThis is the physical version of the above course, i.e. with an acting teacher teaching you how to use your body and movement to evoke feelings in performances. It teaches you awareness of all aspects of your body, from your limbs to your facial expressions.Classical ActingDesigned for trainees looking to appear in classical performances like Shakespearean plays, for example, this class will teach you about period acting and how to do it right. Voice and movement techniques will make up part of this course, and you will be taught how to read and analyse classical literature.Voice-OverThese are slightly different to vocal lessons because they focus on the specific branch of acting: voice-overs. These classes are only necessary for those wishing to pursue this as a career. There are a lot of skills to learn, including many technical ones to master.How To Choose An Acting Coach?Choosing an acting coach is so important to an aspiring actor. You don’t just need to get on, you must respect and look up to your guide.They will not only be your teacher, they will become an influence in every step you take toward acting success.As such, picking the right one is very important, since it won’t do you any good switching coaches all the time. If the chemistry isn’t there, then it’s probably not the right pairing!How Do You Know Who Is The Right Coach?It is difficult to pin it down in words, but you will know when you have found your perfect acting coach, as you will instantly connect, and they will get you.Going with a coach that has been a mentor to actors you look up to might not always be the best way forward â€" if you don’t feel comfortable with them then perhaps their style of coaching isn’t what you need after all. That said, your coach is not your friend, and the relationship should remain professional so that each of you can stay focused on your respective goals with no distractions or sentiments getting in the way.There are many other things to consider when looking for an acting coach; there’s the question of how much they cost, where they work, how respected they are in the industry, how successful they are in their own right, what qualifications they have and if they are recommended by others. But, these should come second to finding the greatest influence on you.So, if your budget won’t stretch to the person you feel makes the best team with you, then consider asking what deals they offer or seeing if a relative might be in a position to sponsor you throughout your training, before ruling them out completely. Working with this person could be the key to you finding acting success (and when you look back then, none of those secondary factors will matter!).Benefits Of Researching Acting TeachersOf course, you must start with researching possible coaches, perhaps by searching the Internet for coaches in your area or asking connections within the industry for recommendations.As mentioned before, the bigger cities are normally where the most successful coaches and agents are at, but that doesn’t mean to say that you won’t find a superb coach who likes livings in the suburbs! If your line of wor k is busy and demanding, then wouldn't you too want some respite from the hustle and bustle of long city days!?Remember, while you will have to audition for a place in their care, the audition also gives you a chance to see how they work as well  and work out if you would make a good team or not. If you’re not asked to read a script, then be prepared to ask lots of questions to maximise the time with your potential coach and to get to know each other better. You might take this opportunity to ask about administrative and logistical things like absences from class, procedures for being late, etc…As a final point, I would recommend that you attend more than one audition or meeting, just as you would obtain a few quotes for some work you are having done in your house, to be sure that you are picking the best person to do the job. As they say, the cheapest isn’t always the best, so try to put aside the cost temporarily and just see where the encounter takes you and how you end up feeling afterwards. Then you can tackle all the small print!How To Find Acting Coaches?As you would expect, the most straightforward way to find an acting coach nowadays is to search the web for suitable candidates. You’ll have your own criteria to base your search on, whether that be location, other students, recommendations, and so on.Many websites dedicated to aspiring actors have done some research for you, and often list the top acting coaches for specific areas of acting, or the best tutors in the capital, to give you a couple of examples. I can’t stress enough though that you should run your own searches and create your own lists too, but using the information provided by these associations will do no harm in supporting your individual search.If you have friends in the industry, or family members who have experience in acting roles, then you might be lucky enough to already know some coaches, or at least have some recommendations to pursue.Feedback from clients is a very good first-hand representation of what it is like to be on the receiving end of that teacher’s style of tuition. While you can’t ascertain if you will get on well just by reading others’ comments, you can get the inside scoop on what it’s like to be their pupil.Actress Emma Roberts has many connections to the showbiz world, with a famous aunt and an acting coach grandmother. Photo credit: Castles, Capes Clones on Visualhunt.comIn a complete U-turn to what I have been discussing so far, there are some aspiring actors out there who let the coaches come to them. In taking this approach, you need to be really confident in your abilities and more flexible on time, with a 'nothing to lose' attitude. For example, an older student who wants to launch their career now might not have the time to sit around and wait for opportunities.Though some may consider this to be a very laid-back style, no one can deny that it psychologically  hands the reins over to you and you can view meeting s and auditions as a way for you to scrutinise them, rather than the other way around, which many find to be very daunting.It is always worth remembering though that, although you are the creative subject, they are the qualified ones and they deserve respect for their achievements.   They certainly won’t be impressed by a trainee actor pushing boundaries as it doesn’t bode well for a good team and working atmosphere.How Much Do Acting Classes Cost?A Celebrity LifestyleOkay, so actually paying out for acting classes can seem like a big expenditure but not only are they necessary for aspiring actors (you can’t bypass this crucial step), they are also just a drop in the ocean compared to the lengths that some go to in order to find fame.Some people will relocate, at times with their entire family, to places like Los Angeles in America just to increase their chances of finding suitable auditions for roles. Just think of how much money these people spend on their career! Is it even possible to put a price on the time, effort and upheaval involved in moving to a new country to follow your dreams? Still, many have reaped the rewards so it really is each to their own and all depends what lifestyle you choose for yourself.On the other hand, if you know for sure that you don’t want to do anything else, then the cost may seem irrelevant. Plus, if you do end up making millions, you can enjoy a life of jet-setting around the world and choosing where you make your home.SchoolingGoing back to drama schools, which offer three-year-long courses on all things related to the performing arts, you can expect to pay more than £5,000 per term for a top acting school. However, some theatre schools offer a year of tuition for £9,000 or less.One very well-known school based in the heart of the capital is the prestigious Sylvia Young Theatre School, where famous figures like Tom Fletcher of McFly, his wife Giovanna Flet, Matt Willis of Busted, the late Amy Winehouse, Dua Lipa, Rita Ora, Kara Tointon, Keeley Hawes and Nicole Appleton (formerly in the music band All Saints) attended, not to mention a long list of EastEnders actors! These stars switched school life in London's Marble Arch for a famously chaotic stint in the fictional borough of Walford.Acting classes, on the other hand, are extremely difficult to put a price on. There are so many factors that come into play, that it is almost impossible to give a rounded figure as guidance. Some coaches in the inner city of London might be at liberty to charge far more than those working in smaller towns or cities, whilst a tutor who has a wealth of experience can understandably be expected to charge more for their expertise.Even when searching for acting coaches on Gumtree, prices are very rarely disclosed. This is to protect you as much as the coaches themselves, as they don’t want to give an estimated figure that scares people off when in fact they can be flexible and look at building courses around yo ur needs. Similarly, they might charge more for those with less experience, or for specific areas of their coaching. As you can gather, it’s a complicated subject!Therefore, in theory, you should aim to base your search on finding the best coach for you in terms of the chemistry, rather than focusing on the maths.Other Costs Involved In Acting TrainingAside from the obvious coaching tuition (and not including the cost of relocation for business purposes!), there are several other things that you can expect to add to your long list of expenditures. Headshots, for one, are surprisingly costly but are a requirement for the industry. Your headshot needs to be done by a professional, but you only need to do it a couple of times a year, unless you regularly change your appearance.You might also want to sign yourself up to casting websites, especially if you don’t have an agent representing you. You will need to pay the agency a fee, so research which casting sites are the best in term s of how many opportunities there are in your area.Some actors may attend workshops from time to time, to keep adding new skills to their resume. These aren’t mandatory, but it’s another consideration when you are looking at numbers.Finally, I can’t not mention the cost of living, which of course applies to all professionals. The difference for trainee actors, however, is that they often aren’t full-time working professionals, as such. Most aspiring actors will hold down part-time jobs whilst applying for various auditions, so they somehow need to find the money for rent, food, socials, etc…Following on from this, as an actor, you will most likely be very aware of your appearance and understand that you must look after your body. As such, gym memberships, personal trainers, hairdressers, stylists, beauticians and many other costs will no doubt come into play.

Cooking as a Student

Cooking as a Student How Can You Cook when Studying ChaptersCooking in Bulk to Stretch a Student BudgetFreeze Food to Save MoneyCooking with Seasonal Produce on a Student BudgetHead to Markets at the End of the DayCheap Recipes for StudentsVegetarian RecipesTraditional Recipes“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” - HippocratesAs a student, we’re often tempted to make the simplest and quickest dishes. That or fast food, takeaways, or the cheapest thing we can get our hands on.Around a 5th of a student’s budget goes on food. As such a significant amount of the budget, you really want to get the most out of your money when you’re spending so much of it on food.In this article, we're going to look at some of the ways students can cook for themselves including cooking in bulk, freezing food, using seasonal produce, heading to markets, and cooking some traditional recipes. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tut ors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsCooking in Bulk to Stretch a Student Budget“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” - J.R.R. TolkienIt’s a fact that the cost of living is going up. Feeding yourself seems to be getting more and more expensive and on a student budget, you’ll be feeling it.You'd be surprised how much you can save when you cook. (Source: Hans)However, all is not lost. Thanks to certain techniques, you can learn to cook enjoyable and cost-effective meals.Do you like cooking? Do you cook regularly?Yo u may have noticed that you regularly spend a lot of time cooking and very little time eating.Don’t worry! You just need to make more of it. Cook for two, three, etc. While you’ll pay more, you’ll be able to enjoy your food for several days.As you know, buying in bulk saves you money! A great idea if you’re on a tight budget.Freeze Food to Save MoneyThis is a great technique for cooking and saving money as it’ll make your budget and your food last longer. Organisation is key!Cooking is a lot of fun and is a great way to save money on food. (Source: marvorel)Freezing your food allows you to eat better without having to pop round the local shops or get food delivered.  Frozen food retains a lot of the nutrition which is why a freezer is a great idea for students.Even in the smallest flats, most fridges have a small freezer compartment where you can store your stuffed courgettes, spaghetti bolognese, or chocolate cake.Find some great cookery classes London thanks to Superprof .Freezing food allows you to save money as you’ve already made the food and won’t need to go to a restaurant or get a takeaway This means you can enjoy nice food without breaking the bank.Cooking with Seasonal Produce on a Student BudgetIt’s becoming increasingly common for people to eat seasonal produce as it’s better.While you have to prepare under certain constraints, you'd be surprised at what you can make. (Source: StockSnap)But why is it better?There are a good number of reasons:Seasonal products have more flavourSeasonal products correspond to our bodies’ needsSeasonal products are cheaperSeasonal products are ecologicalIt’s a fact that we should eat seasonal produce because it’ll be better for a student budget. Eating tomatoes in October isn’t great for your taste buds or your wallet since they'll be at the end of their season and will have to travel further to get from the farm to your plate.Adapting to the season is also a great way to discover new recipes and eat food when it’s supposed to be eaten. Broccoli in winter, peppers in summer. This is great for your budget. GiovanniCooking Teacher 4.83 (12) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HalimaCooking Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors HakimCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors VincenzoCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors GinellaCooking Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ArronCooking Teacher 5.00 (2) £9/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JoshuaCooking Teacher 5.00 (5) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors FlickCooking Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsHead to Markets at the End of the DaySometimes, there are great ways to save money and still get to make dishes with fresh produce. Try heading to the market just before closing. Some vendors will be looking to cut their losses and get rid of the stock they didn’t sell.There’s not hing shameful about it because you’re helping to avoid food wastage. Of course, this isn’t just for students!Cheap Recipes for StudentsEating on a budget doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to et rubbish. There are plenty of great recipes you can make for very little money.If you learn how to cook for yourself, you can also cook for dietary requirements. If you need veggie meals or gluten-free dishes, you'll be in charge of each ingredient that goes into your food.Vegetarian RecipesAs a student, you can make simple recipes and still eat well. Avocado toast is a fine example because it’s nutritious and cheap.While you have to prepare under certain constraints, you'd be surprised at what you can make. (Source: StockSnap)You just need to mash the avocado onto two slices of toast, season, and you’re done! There’s no cooking involved and you can even add a poached egg, cumin, coriander, or sunflower seeds.Gazpacho is another great vegetarian recipe that you can keep in the freezer. For 4 people (or four meals), you’ll need:5 tomatoes4 cucumbers4 peppers1 onion.4 garlic cloves1 lemonParsleyOlive oilSalt and pepper.Peeling the onions and cucumbers and removing the seeds from the peppers, you just need to blend it all together. This includes the pulp, which you can strain.This is a delightful and healthy recipe. The winning combination!Traditional RecipesWhen you’re cooking in a student flat, you’re often limited by your budget and the equipment you have on hand. That’s why one-pot pasta exists. Put simply, it’s your traditional pasta dish cooked in a single pan.While you mightn't be in a restaurant, you can cook some very nice meals on a budget. (Source: rawpixel)Say goodbye to boring pasta and hello to delicious dishes. One-pot pasta is a versatile dish that anyone can do.For example, for two servings of vegetable pasta, put 1.5 cups of pasta in 3 cups of water, then add all the ingredients you want (cherry tomatoes, seasonal vegetables, bac on bits) and let the boiling water do the rest. Once there’s no water left, you’re done!This is a cheap and original recipe that any student can make.Are you familiar with shirred eggs?This is a traditional recipe and it works on a student budget. To make shirred eggs and ham, you’ll need:1 eggHalf a slice of ham1 tablespoon of creamTarragonA teaspoon of grated parmesanSalt, pepper, and olive oil.Preheat your oven to 210 °C, finely slice the ham, and place it in an oiled ramekin. Add the cream, tarragon, and break an egg on top. Mix slightly and sprinkle the parmesan on top. Bake in a baking tray that’s been half-filled with water.The bain-marie allows you to gently cook the egg, keeping all the flavours in. Cook it for between 6 and 10 minutes. You can eat it with bread. With some seasonal produce, this is a delicious and cheap meal! It’s also very easy to make.As you’ll have understood, a student budget doesn’t mean you can’t eat well. You just need the right techn iques and the right recipes! Bon appetit!  Invest in a good cookbook and get help from a private tutor and you'll never need to eat instant noodles, toasted sandwiches, or TV dinners again!On Superprof, there are tutors all over the UK and around the world offering tutorials in a variety of subjects and skills. There are three types of tutorials available: face-to-face tutorials, online tutorials, and group tutorials.Face-to-face tutorials tend to be more expensive because you're getting a bespoke service and tutorials tailored to you, your learning style, and your learning objectives. While these are the most expensive, they're usually the most cost-effective since your tutor will focus on you and only you.Online tutorials are similar but you'll pay less than face-to-face tutorials since the tutor doesn't have to travel to their student and can charge more competitive rates. Additionally, you can get online tutors from anywhere in the world, which is great for shift workers or thos e with busy schedules.Group tutorials are more like the classes you'd have at school. These are usually the cheapest since the cost of the tutorials is shared among several students. Of course, this comes with less one-on-one time with your tutor. That said, if you and a few friends are all wanting to learn how to cook on a budget, this could be the ideal solution.Each type of tutorial has its advantages and disadvantages and it's up to you to see which one works for you. On the plus side, a lot of the tutors on Superprof offer the first hour of tuition for free, allowing you to see whether you get along with one another and set out your learning objectives and the finer details of your private tutorials.So are you ready to start cooking?

Wilsons World Celebrates PiDay With Heart Math Tutoring - Heart Math Tutoring

Wilsons World Celebrates PiDay With Heart Math Tutoring - Heart Math Tutoring Wilsons World Celebrates PiDay With Heart Math Tutoring Wilsons World Celebrates PiDay With Heart Math Tutoring March 14, 2017 Wilsons World joined Heart students at Montclaire Elementary this morning to celebrate PiDay. Students Scarlett and Oscar talked with their 5th grade teacher Mr. OLeary about how they incorporatePi in the classroom, and why they enjoy math! Wilson also viewed a tutoring session and talked with Hearts Program Coordinator Sarah Cover and Executive Director Emily Elliott about how Heart prepares tutors to support students. When you sign up for tutoring, the first thing that happens is that I train you through our six concept notebooks. The notebooks include all the instructions and anything you need. If you have any questions Im here for all tutoring, says Sarah. For more information about becoming a tutor see See the full segment from Wilsons World here.